Radiothon 2023 for Friends of the Moncton Hospital is Jan 27th

Our Radiothon for Friends of the Moncton Hospital is Friday 27 January.
To Donate:
- CALL: 506-857-5488 (Press 2)
- CLICK HERE to pledge online
- MAIL a donation to Friends of The Moncton Hospital Foundation, 135 MacBeath Avenue, Moncton, NB, E1C 6Z8
*UPDATE 6pm: Thanks for your support!
*end update
please help us spread the news about this!

We have mentioned before that ANY AMOUNT HELPS! If you are in a position to donate please consider contributing, if you're not able to donate, we would love it if you could help us spread the word about this wonderful fundraiser that will save lives!
One more thing... here are some untested-but-seem-legit ways to make extra money which you could then donate:

- Pyramid Scheme: Of all the schemes, this one is the most geometric, which should count for something! From the Pyramid Scheme FAQ: Is it illegal? Yes. Yes it is. Will you go to jail? We're not lawyers, but, Yes. IF YOU GET CAUGHT! On a positive note, if you sign up a million people at 10 dollars each, that would be a wonderful donation to the hospital. Then, when you're up for parole, you can point out how you donated millions to charity. The judge might even cry! And, you'll have all those prison stories to tell your friends. Protip: Have a Go Bag stashed somewhere if you gotta leave town in a hurry.

recommended Go Bag dimensions. Go get 'em, Ponzi!

Find a parking lot that doesn't charge anything for parking, and set up there like a parking lot attendant. Suggested location: at one end of any large bridge. To make this work you're gonna need a small booth (obvious), an orange vest, proper signage with messaging such as "Cash Only", and last but not least, a Can-Do attitude!

people literally drive up and hand you money

Forgeries are big money.
If you can forge the Mona Lisa that could be worth millions! Secretly I'd call it 'YOURa Lisa'! If forging a masterpiece is too difficult, try drawing a cartoon monkey on a boat and sell it as an NFT. That one might not even be illegal*
Too busy to make your own art? Just print out ours...
Steal this!

- Have you considered embezzling from an evil company
An evil company pretty much has it coming. So you should get in there and embezzle the HECK outta those evil jerks!!
Example: the company that invented rubber spiders. Those things aren't toys. They're scary, and they only lead to bad feelings between prankster and victim. That one's just a brainstorm to get you started on your embezzling journey.
Bottom line is, find a cabal of evil doers and start there. *Be careful because they will probably try to get you to join them. You know, because they're evil? So be careful!

uh oh, they're already online
Note from the Friends of the Moncton Hospital about this year's Radiothon proceeds:
"By investing in advanced equipment and innovative technology for two healthcare Simulation Labs, our healthcare providers will be able to practise and hone our skills through real life scenarios, on lifelike, computerized 'smart mannequins'. Although they may not be real, the lessons learned, and lives saved will be.
2023 Radiothon proceeds will support this initiative, as well as create an endowment to support the retention, recruitment and education of medical staff. Last year’s milestone Radiothon raised the most in its 11-year history and we want to make this year even more memorable."

Scenes from the past...
