What a Weird Week Show for Friday, Nov 24, 2023: An American Thanksgiving Holiday Spectacular! #Weirdsgiving
Antler Breakfast 2023: Eat Breakfast and Make the World a Better Place!
The What a Weird Week Show for Friday, November 17th 2023: Weird Animal News Proves Prevalent
42nd Bauer Monctonian AAA Hockey Challenge happens at Superior Propane Centre from November 16 to 19, 2023
The Monctonian AAA Hockey Challenge has bee going for 42 years! This year there's a record 60 teams and over 1000 players taking part!
The What a Weird Week Show for Friday, November 10th 2023: Weird Things in the News!
(this is an episode transcript) "Hi Friends, I'm Scott. This is the What a Weird Week Show, a Top Ten Countdown of weird news. For audio, video, and shownotes see www.shownotes.page!
Season 4, Episode 59 first published on Friday Nov. 10th, 2023...
❿ Nike Lawsuit! Nike suing New Balance and Sketchers for patent infringement.
This is about sneakers and technology in our sneakers.
I'm not a lawyer, but here is my paraphrase.
Nike is saying, you stole our idea.
New Balance and Sketchers are saying, they're sneakers.
They go on your feet.
Come on.
You don't have the worldwide rights to feet.
I don't know.
That's kind of it.
You can read the article.
The link is in the show notes.
Here's a quote.
Nike's fly knit technology uses high strength fibers to create lightweight uppers with targeted
areas of support, stretch, and breathability.
Now I feel like those are the end quote.
I feel like those are good qualities to have in a shoe that could possibly, if you've
ever had a smelly shoe situation going on in your life, I mean breathability? Yes. Support? Who doesn't like support? Stretch? Listen, the end of the day after a lot of salt... Yes.
All good qualities, Nike says, whatever is happening there with the other, with their
competitors, stolen, and it is all patented technology.
This one to be continued.
Oh, by the way, Nike has already sued Adidas, Puma, and Lulu Lemon concerning the patents
on fly knit technology.
Adidas and Puma settled, LuluLemon is a case that is still going on.
No word yet from New Balance or Sketchers.
If there's a big ol' Shoe Showdown/ Shoedown (©2023 Weird Week Productions) it's just gonna drive up the cost of shoes isn't it? They'll be coming for our Crocs next you guys!
- we might have to switch to bacon grease instead of Olive Oil for our salad dressing for awhile until this thing gets solved...
- quote from story: "In Greece, a 1-liter bottle of extra virgin oil jumped from $8 to $9 last year to as much as $15 this year."
You're Listening to the What a Weird Week Show: Catching up on the weird news of the week!
If you're at this restaurant ordering food from a chef who's a couple hours into the world record, you're going to get a quality dish.
A hundred and nineteen, almost a hundred and twenty hours into the record, I don't know if your eggs are going to be exactly how you wanted them. I'm just saying that chef doesn't want any dishes sent back to the kitchen. "I will have none of that!" Wouldn't you be so tired? You'd be like, "I'm not putting up with any guff... They're having their eggs scrambled."
Anyway, this Alan Fisher of Ireland set that record almost a hundred and twenty hours of non-stop cooking and then turns around and does baking for forty seven hours and twenty one minutes.
Another record. Obviously, can stand the heat and stay in the kitchen. Hey?
We link to an article that gets into his background and inspirational story of how he got to where he's at.
If you want to read that, shownotes.page.
❼ the UFO was a no-fo ... Bunch of people reported seeing UFOs in San Diego... turns out it was US Navy sky divers...
The US Navy leap frogs were skydiving into the San Diego Wave Football Club game... Into the snap dragon stadium Sunday...
so a lot of people saw this who weren't at the game didn't realize and didn't see the social media post from the United States Navy leapfrog saying "that's us" so the football club or soccer team and the US Navy were behind the UFO sightings. I don't know sometimes I like it when we figure out what they are...
I hate a mystery. I like a solution. You know I used to say I like a good mystery, but I don't. I hate a good mystery. I like a bad mystery. When you can solve it... That's my definition of a bad mystery. So this one was a bad mystery and I am grateful.
photos and video and stuff in the show notes
Welcome back to our weird news countdown - What a Weird Week!
from the English country mansion where Winston Churchill was born. The golden toilet is valued at close to $6 million.
It was art. An Italian artist made this golden toilet and called it America. So I don't think that's nice.
I don't think that was meant in a nice, like a tribute to our American friends. You friends in America, I wouldn't put up with that.
Why would you make a golden toilet and call it America? Am I not seeing it right? Like maybe it was some kind of honor,
high praise, "even the toilets are paved with gold?" I don't know, maybe. It's not my first instinct is to see a golden toilet labeled America
and think it was a nice thing that this Italian artist was doing. Why can't we all just get along?
Why can't we focus on our similarities rather than our differences and just get along instead of making golden toilet art about one another?
If you wanna see what the golden toilet looks like, we have a link in the show notes, but just imagine a toilet made of 18-karat gold.
Boom, you got it.
Incidentally, if convicted, these fellows go to jail... and they are discussing with some other people in jail, "what are you in here for?"
And they say, "we stole a golden toilet." Are you gonna be, is that gonna garner respect? Or is that going to be trouble for you if you're in for golden toilet theft?
Just curious, I don't know. I ain't had much learning.
This time it was a Polish yacht off the coast of Morocco that got sunk.
Killer whales.
In the Strait of Gibraltar... they just. went. to. town!
Smashing into this yacht for 45 minutes... major damage and the boat sank.
The crew is safe, not harmed. Notes from previous episode: they ram boats... they bite rudders... they've sunk boats... and it seems to be happening more often.
- it's not really a question of Are They Doing It On Purpose... it's more a question of Why? Do they know what they're doing? Is it cold-blooded attempted murder? Do we need to lock up all the whales in some kind of Whale Jail©?
- Right now, the researchers are trying to figure it out. If you ask most people, they say the whales are finally getting even with us for all the nets and ships bumping into them and whatnot. Whale researchers don't really think that, but they're still trying to find answers.
We covered similar stories before https://www.scottyandtony.com/2023/06/the-what-weird-week-show-for-friday-2.html
Thanks for being here, this is the What a Weird Week Show!
So the best cheese in the world comes from Norway... blue cheese. Here's the top 10 list and, I don't know, being from Canada I was hoping maybe some sort of representation at the world cheese awards. I got my cheese pride you guys. I got my cheese pride. But nope. The top 10:
number 10 was from Italy... Number nine was a Netherlands cheese... Number eight also... Germany had number seven... Austria was number six... Switzerland ... India... Switzerland again at number three... then a cheese from Belgium and Norway at the number one spot with that blue cheese.
Mmm. Mmm. Stinky.
The What a Weird Week Show - we're getting close to the weirdest story of the week!
❷ headline from Fox 13 is NYC Green Slime puzzlers New Yorkers...
So in New York, this green slime started oozing onto the street up through the sewer, and then look at that gutter full of green slime.
What the heck? And it was a very, very vibrant green slime. Such... I mean, when you picture green slime, you don't even have to go to the show notes and click the thing... Picture green slime. There, you got it. I'm confident that you're picturing what this is, the vibrancy and the consistency, the slimy goodness that is the green New York City street slime. It turns out... so it went viral and got reported and stuff... People are like, what is this? And some people are just walking by it.
Don't even care. Green slime. Vibrant green slime coming out of the sewer drain... It turns out when they're doing work... I didn't know this... this is not how they do it in my city... but when they're doing work in the sewer trying to detect leaks... they put this vibrant green dye in the water, and that was what came bubbling up. So mystery solved. Did I mention before I love an easy mystery?
I love it when a mystery is solved. What a great day.
ICYMI The Top Ten from Last Week (episode is still online, see Shownotes.page)
Weird Archeological find is the number one story next...
The What a Weird Week Show!
❶ It's time for the number one weird story of the week...
All right, number one is an archeological find that surprised the researchers, a 400-year-old skeleton with an iron hand who was uncovered in Germany.
They did some tests, they believed the skeleton belonged to a man between 30 and 50 years old who died maybe in the mid-14, who died between like 1450 and early 1600s. A long time ago to have an iron hand and the researchers were quite impressed with the iron hand. The researchers were impressed with all the medical ingenuity... that's me paraphrasing. Also, I learned that m(I don't know my history at all) It's not a first?!
Old iron hand, a German knight from the early 1500s lost his right hand at the wrist. It was a cannon sword accident. I mean, how unfortunate can you be? It wasn't a cannon accident. It wasn't a sword accident. It was a cannon sword accident where a cannon misfires and the sword flies and cuts off
the hand... and so old iron hand, the German knight got an iron hand. This has been a lot of iron hand talk.
First time ever though on this program... and number one this week.
One final note... thank you to our veterans, serving members of the military, and military family members. Tomorrow is Remembrance Day in Canada. Here's a link to more info (https://www.scottyandtony.com/2023/11/remembrance-day-2023.html)
OK, See you next Friday for another countdown of weird news on What a Weird Week!
Here's the Listen Now Stream, thanks for scrolling all the way down!
Here are the video podcasts from YouTube...
Wildlife Wednesday Report: ♪The Bears are Back in Town♫ #VanThief #Bearvasion #Bears #DaBears #WildlifeWednesday #BearProofSuits 8 Nov 2023
Wildlife Wednesday Nov. 8th 2023:
A lady in BC is the latest human van owner to fall victim to attempted bear-theft-auto.
It seems clear that the bears are organizing, either by ringing our doorbells so that we answer the door in our pajamas leaving us open to bearvasion, by climbing into our second story windows to eat our delicious pork chops, or (the latest) by breaking into our vans in what can only be seen as an organized bear cabal of vehicle thievery.
- What is going on here? According to THIS EXPERT, the bears are evolving and this is the beginning of a Planet-of-the-Bears situation where we will become subservient.
- What is the next phase? According to THIS EXPERT, the bears will learn to drive our vehicles and use them to go to the grocery store, and honey manufacturing plants.
- What can we do? According to THIS EXPERT, we need to start wearing Bear-Proof-Suits 24/7.
Remembrance Day 2023: ceremony locations, legion and poppy information, coloring pages for kids, more #LestWeForget
MONCTON: Honor veterans and pay tribute to their sacrifice on November 11th at these ceremonies (via the City Facebook) ...
🍁 a Community Ceremony is at Victoria Park (Weldon St.) from 10:45a to 11:15a.
🍁 Royal Canadian Legion Branch #54 Remembrance Day Ceremony is at Sunny Brae Park on Massey Ave from 11a to 12p. *Around 10:45a, traffic will be stopped while the procession moves from Sunny Brae Legion (164 Broadway St) to the park ceremony. **Around 12p after the ceremony, traffic will be stopped while the procession returns to Sunny Brae Legion. (via)
DIEPPE: ceremony November 11th at École Mathieu-Martin (511 Champlain Street) beginning at 10:30a
RIVERVIEW: The Town of Riverview's Remembrance Day service is at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church (5 Fatima Drive) starting at 10:50a on Nov. 11th, 2023.
🍁 Veterans line up at the Dan Bohan Centre and march into the church alongside firefighters, police, cadets, guides and scouts. Veterans and their families invited to a reception after the service at Coverdale Centre (50 Runneymeade Rd.)MEMRAMCOOK: Remembrance Day ceremony will be held at Veterans Park (on the corner of Royal Road and St. Thomas Street), beginning at 11 a.m., Saturday, November 11.
(via https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=809749397825523&id=100063714092177)
TANTRAMAR: Gather at Dorchester Cenotaph on Main St. at 10:45a.
SCHEDULE 2023... 10a church service, 10:55a cenotaph service." (via)
🍁 Some other links to check (not all of these places had info available at publishing time) ...
Bouctouche ... Dorchester ... Hillsborough is now Fundy Albert ... Saint-Antoine is now the Town of Champdoré ... Saint-Louis-de-Kent is now Beaurivage ... Petitcodiac/ parts of Salisbury is now Three Rivers .
🩸 Please consider donating blood for Remembrance Day 🩸
The Moncton donor centre is at at 500 Mapleton Road.
Get an appointment through the GiveBlood app (iphone) (android), call 1 888 2 DONATE (1-888-236-6283) or book at blood.ca
CLICK HERE to find a Royal Canadian Legion near you
CLICK HERE for a list of War Memorials
CLICK HERE to support the Poppy Campaign online
Canada Remembers Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/CanadaRemembers)
If you'd like to find out more or help the Royal Canadian Legion, call Branch 6 Legion at 1-506-382-5411 or 506-855-3364. To get in touch with them online: Branch 6 Facebook HERE, Branch 6 Website HERE.
Here are a couple coloring pages to put in your window... (thanks to Pickle Planet Blog for the idea)
What a Weird Week Show: Mariah Carey Sued Again?! Fri. Nov. 3rd 2023
What a Weird Week is a show about the weird stuff from this week's news. Links:
1) Shownotes Page https://www.shownotes.page
2) Audio Podcast https://kite.link/weird
3) Video Podcast https://www.youtube.com/@weirdweekpod
(this is an episode transcript) "Hi Friends, I'm Scott. This is the What a Weird Week Show, a Top Ten Countdown of weird news. Link: https://www.shownotes.page
Season 4, Episode 58 first published on Friday Nov. 3rd, 2023...
❿ This week, I'm playing catch-up on a few stories because last week was our Halloween special... kicking things off at number ten is the heroic world record where a bunch of people did a shot of booze off a ski...
- there are a couple of ski resorts who have a bit of a back and forth, friendly competition over this shot ski world record for most people doing a shot off of a ski...
- Last week, Park City, Utah set a new one...
- how they did it: first they glued close to 1700 rubber shot glass grippers onto skis... the 500-and-something pairs of skis were fastened together... then you get a giant line of people down the street holding up these shot skis.... and "ready, set, go!" they all tip that giant FrankenSki© and do a shot together.
- the world record is 1363 people doing a shot ski at once...
- they did it for charity...
- a resort in Colorado is hoping to take back the record in December...
- not gonna sugar-coat this, it's a bit of a loud purr for sure, but when you hear "World's Loudest Cat Purr" you think paintings are gonna fall off the wall or something... instead, Bella purrs at 54.59 decibels which is like: "A quiet conversation, A quiet office or home, A quiet residential street, A quiet refrigerator, Moderate rainfall."
and see https://decibelpro.app/blog/what-is-50-decibels/ and also https://youtu.be/KegnZEFpczU?feature=shared
- a man in Cyprus did a dance while balancing 319 wine glasses on his head... that's a new world record!
- the 62 year old fella doesn't even do it full-time... he has a day job, and then in his spare time he breaks wine glass world records?!
- if you want to try to beat the record... I would recommend starting with plastic cups first... the rules are that you have to keep the glasses balanced for at least 10 seconds while dancing...
see https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/10/20/cyprus-Guinness-World-Records-wine-glasses-balanced-head/6381697817913/
and see the video https://youtu.be/yFzwsBmagcw?feature=shared
❼ Here's another one that got bumped for the Halloween episode last week... headline from Business Insider: "A man posed as a mannequin in a shop window to steal jewelry after hours, Polish police say" ...
- happened at a mall in Warsaw, Poland...
- a 22 year old suspect posed in the shop window until he thought the coast was clear, then he tried to steal jewellery and stuff...
- was it a sudden-decision to try this caper, or did he practice at home for weeks and weeks to be the perfect mannequin? Either way, he must've forgot about the security cams.
- the article talks about other times where people tried to se the mannequin approach to stealing... it's not brand new?!
- happened in North Carolina...
- three bears got into a mini van and then got locked inside somehow...
- did they actually try to steal the mini van? I'm gonna say yes. 100%. Can't trust bears, you guys...
- imagine it though... you're called to the scene... there are three unhappy bears in a mini van and you have to get them out... what do you do?
- these officers tied a rope to the door handle and got far away before they opened the door...
- it was a mama and two baby bears...
- the bears ended up not being charged with anything... they messed up the van pretty good apparently...
and see https://youtu.be/Cv7nl93rkig?feature=shared
- organizers think they got two thousand people dressed as Spiderman gathered together in Buenos Aires... that would be a new world record but it needs to be confirmed by the Guinness folks...
- old record was 685 spiderpeople...
- the record attempt also helped ot charity...
- the drone footage is really impressive...
- most of the costumes were the real deal.. very few Spiderman pajamas
and see https://youtu.be/_hsaA4kTS1E
- why would someone donate that kind of thing to a Thrift Store? Did they think it was funny? Or did they really think they were doing some good charity work by donating a box of Love Machine Tingle Boppers© ??
- It's weird. We reported it. Now I want to move on...
if you like to help the charity (by not donating saucy toys) get in touch via https://shop.barnardos.org.uk/
- a food company in China made a giant cup of rice noodles which sounds delicious... but then the noodles are described as "Smelly Noodles" which puts a damper on things a little bit... why smelly?
- the official record is largest cup of instant rice noodle ever made... the cup was over 4 feet tall and weighed 112 pounds!
- the world record ingredients were the traditional smelly rice noodle ingredients... "vinegar, chilli oil, peanuts, sour bamboo shoots, dried tofu skin, and bean curd sticks."
- after they set the record, staff at the company ate those noodles.
- back to the why smelly question... according to the GWR folks the bamboo shoots give it the most offensive of all the aromas this dish offers, apparently.
❷ A pig named Kevin Bacon who escaped from his Pennsylvania home has returned after 17 days on the loose.
- at first, I was like, catchy name... funny pig story... but there's a little bit more to this one...
- the actor Kevin Bacon put the missing pig report on his social media...
- in what I assume would be controversial to some people, the owners made up a homemade knock-out bun full of Benadryl and left it for Kevin Bacon (the pig)...
- another unusual move was that the pig owners made a new pen AFTER Kevin Bacon had already escaped... you don't get that every day... but...
- Kevin Bacon must've liked his new pen because after the delicious, sedative-filled sticky bun went missing and the owners figured they'd find Kevin sleeping it off somewhere... they found Kevin Bacon in his new pen!
- What an adventure!
*this portion of the show brought to you by Benadryl: not just for humans anymore!
UPI story https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2023/11/01/pig-Kevin-Bacon-returns-Gettysburg-Pennsylvania/6791698857910/ and also see https://www.threads.net/@kevinbacon/post/Cy61Vp1vMqQ
- No Last Week ReCap this week because last week was our Halloween Special. The episode is still online if you want to check it out... it's seemingly terrifying I think... see https://www.shownotes.page/podcast ...
- We do have an Honorable Mention this week though... and it goes to the staff at Buzzfeed who are promoting a delicious Croissant Candle that costs around 65 bucks... the comments are what sold it for me (not that I can afford a 65 dollar candle... so I use the term "sold it for me" very loosely.)
- Charlotte F writes: "Wow! I was so excited for this candle drop- ever since my first Snif (lol) of the perfume! The candle arrived SO quickly and was actually bigger than I was expecting (I got the smaller one). Smells just like the flaky buttery goodness of the lotion bar and fragrance. Buying the bigger size candle next!"
- Miguelito writes: "Don't let your dreams be dreams!
I've always dreamed of my entire home smelling like the best bakery ever. Well, now it does, and I'm never going back! Crumb Couture is the jam!"
see https://snif.co/en-ca/products/crumb-couture-candle
- It is the song that famously took 15 minutes to write and makes Mariah Carey around 3 million dollars per year.
- She is also being sued again over that song.
- we reported on the first lawsuit ast year... it's basically the same suit, re-filed.
- Vince Vance and the Valiants had a song called "All I Want for Christmas is You" before Mariah Carey had her song. In my expert opinion *citation needed* they are not similar at all, other than the title.
- the writer's of the Vince Vance song want 20 million dollars though.
- they are suing for copyright infringement
- lawsuit quote from the article: "Carey has, without licensing, palmed off these works with her incredulous origin story, as if those works were her own. Her hubris knowing no bounds, even her co-credited songwriter doesn't believe the story she has spun. This is simply a case of actionable infringement."
- that's pretty intense.
Lawsuit article https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/mariah-carey-sued-insane-amount-134549724.html
and the Can't Wait for Christmas Podcast had a good post about the first lawsuit https://twitter.com/ChristmasPod/status/1533169020463042560
watch MiMi start Christmas 2023 here https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMjt2gbXb/
@mariahcarey It’s…… TIME!!! 🎃🧊🎄 #MariahSZN ♬ original sound - Mariah Carey
Here's the Listen Now Stream, thanks for scrolling all the way down!
Here are the video podcasts from YouTube...
*UPDATE* Donations can be dropped off until November 3rd! Donate Socks for Socktober at Queen Elizabeth School #Donate #Socks #Socktober #Socktoberfest
All donations go to people living in shelters.
There's only one week left in October/ Socktober!?!
Get in touch with Queen E School for details! The school is at 31 Lynch Street.
*UPDATE Staff Photos* Halloween 2023: FUN! curfews info, costume ideas, photos, more!
Scotty Update:
Here's what some of the radio station staff wore for Halloween yesterday...

Halloween Curfews available at time of blogging:
- DIEPPE: no official curfew but Dieppe recommends Trick-or-Treating from 4:00p to 8:00p. See their FB (https://www.facebook.com/dieppenb/).
- MONCTON: Has no official Trick-or-Treating curfew, but encourages Trick-or-Treaters to go out between 4:00p and 8:00p. See their FB (https://www.facebook.com/cityofmoncton.villedemoncton/).
- RIVERVIEW: Has no official Trick-or-Treating curfew, but recommends that you do it between 4p and 8p. See their FB (https://www.facebook.com/TownofRiverview). In past years they've also mentioned By-law 700-20: "Youth are not allowed on streets after 10p without adult supervision." Here's that past link (https://www.townofriverview.ca/news/2021-halloween-guidance).
- MEMRAMCOOK: Has encouraged Trick-or-Treating between 4p and 8p in past years. See FB (https://www.facebook.com/VillageMemramcook/)
- HILLSBOROUGH: in past years they've gone with a 9:00p curfew. Their social media is down at time of blogging. Try https://villageofhillsborough.ca/
- SHEDIAC: recommends Trick or Treating from 4p to 7p.
- REXTON: Trick-or-Treating curfew has been 8:00p in past.
- RICHIBUCTO: In past, Trick-or-Treating was from 3p to 7p.
- Cap Pele: Trick-or-Treating was from 2p to 8p in past years. In 2023 there is an event planned at the Cap Acadie Fire Station. See https://www.facebook.com/capacadie/posts/660262456246607
🎃 List of Halloween Houses! Every year the folks at Everything Unscripted have a LIST (https://www.everythingunscripted.com/halloween-displays-in-moncton/) and a MAP (https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1Ml8G_gPuj_XQ688-xvgi4gyqp06eKVcr&usp=sharing) of Halloweeny houses to check out! You should subscribe to Everything Unscripted, they have some fun Halloween activities and ideas!!
👻 Most Popular Pet Halloween Costumes For 2023 haven't changted much from last year... it's all about Pumpkins and Hot Dogs. Full list https://www.caninejournal.com/dog-halloween-costumes/
🎃 Halloween Safety tips from the Government: (https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/home-safety/halloween-safety.html)
👻 Our Formula for Excellent Halloween Costumes:
1) Think of a celeb
2) Think of something that rhymes
3) smoosh these 2 things together
(so like Tom Hanks + Spanx = Tom Spanx!!!)
Google has a page (https://frightgeist.withgoogle.com/) where you can see what the hottest costumes are for this year...
Some more costume ideas...
Thank you cheese slices for being the best Halloween treat ever!! (A message from the Dairy Farmers of Canada.)
Scotty note from 2022: First things first, I did not win the Company Costume Contest. Was I robbed by the people from Yellowstone? Yes. Yes I was. (*citation)
This Halloween Season say it with Dumpkins. #halloween #dumpkins pic.twitter.com/SGbTD8vRzl— scotty horsman (@scottyhorsman) October 31, 2022
BTW... after the pumpkin contest, I took the pumpkin home and we fixed it up so the whole neighborhood wouldn't be scandalized... (originally just had the "F" and "U") ...
Scary Stats:
- 83% of people surveyed said they had some kind of paranormal activity in their home
- Most common types of paranormal activity are hearing sounds, lights turning on and off, and hearing voices
- 1 in 10 people say they sold their home after a paranormal experience
- Good News, Split Level Home owners, your home is far less likely to be haunted!
and https://www.cinchhomeservices.com/view-blog/-/blogs/americans-report-on-their-paranormal-experiences-in-their-home-survey
Other things to try if you have a candy hangover include: 1) have more candy and 2) try someone else's candy to see if it has healing properties. *citation needed*
#7 Spider
#6 Lion
#5 Witch
#4 Bumblebee
#3 Bat
#2 Hot Dog
#1 Pumpkin ...
Canine Journal https://www.caninejournal.com/dog-halloween-costumes/ ...
This year, for 2023, Canine Journal updated the list to include these stats from the National Retail Federation https://nrf.com/media-center/press-releases/halloween-spending-reach-record-122-billion-participation-exceeds-pre ...
- Pet costume sales are projected to be $700 million in 2023...
- Pumpkin and Hot Dog continue to be a favourite dog costume...
Here are the most popular Halloween costumes for pets in 2023 according to Canine Journal ...
#10 Witch
#9 Ghost
#8 Lion
#7 Cat
#6 Devil
#5 Spider
#4 Bumblebee
#3 Bat
#2 Hot Dog
#1 Pumpkin.
- Mary Simmons says Phil the werewolf has sort of become a mascot in her yard...
- Mary began to dress Phil for different seasons...
- at the time, media reports said that the police officer who put Chucky in cuffs got in trouble for not taking their job seriously...
It's almost the size of a tennis court... 2081 square feet in case you want to get going on beating that record... they think there's around 10,000 pumpkins in that thing!
Here's a look at how this amazing pumpkin mosaic at Sunnyfields Farm in the UK was assembled 🎃 pic.twitter.com/lImGCAt4II
— Guinness World Records (@GWR) October 23, 2023
*editor's note: what if a zombie apocalypse broke out while you were trying to set the zombie record?