Hi friends! If you like weird stuff and/or countdowns, it's like this podcast was MADE FOR YOU!! This is the show notes blog for the What a Weird Week Podcast: a countdown of the top 10 weird stories from the news.
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Now, the show notes for Fri Dec 16, 2022, Season 4 Episode 11 ...
❿Headline: Squirrel gets Minnesota man Arrested.
- 76 year old guy in Minnesota got arrested after neighbors claimed he shot their house by mistake (he was aiming at squirrels.) I think I have to say allegedly until the courts decide.
- He was at war with the squirrels in his bird feeder.
- The rules of engagement in a squirrel war do not allow for shooting your neighbor's house.
- According to the Associated Press, the Authorities say when the man was taken into custody his wife told him, ""Well, I told you.""
- They found a bullet and broken glass inside the neighbor's house... super dangerous.
- Looks like the squirrels won this one.

❾Headline: They Just Sold the Oldest Jeans in the World and now there is a Tug-of-Pants.
- sold at auction for for $114k.
- recovered from a ship that sank in 1857 off the coast of North Carolina.
- these are white button flys that officials at the auction said were the oldest jeans in the world...
- other people say they are not officially jeans.
- Are they connected to Levi Strauss? Maybe?? But the official Levi's historian says no way.
- People are taking sides. This could lead to a full fledged pants war.
you'd look great in them

❽Headline: Oranges to save Human Race!
- study from Western University: a molecule in oranges and tangerines might reduce obesity/ prevent diabetes and heart disease.
- it helped obese mice get healthy.
- they don't know exactly how it does it.
- next step: human trials.
- we've had oranges a long time you guys. we knew they were full of vitamin C. Who'da thunk that somebody somewhere was still studying oranges to see if they could be even more healthy?!
WTG, Science!!
❼Headline: Cave People to save Human Race!
- they've found antibiotics in the DNA of Neanderthals and now they hope that will make us all healthy... maybe we'll live forever you guys!
❻Headline: Cold Fusion announced on Tuesday. Back to eating Pork Rinds by Wednesday.
- US Dept of Energy announced this on Tuesday: nuclear fusion!
- Quote: "this is one of the most impressive scientific feats of the 21st century."
- the key to this fusion breakthrough is that we got more energy out than we put in this time.
- more fusion talk: all the articles say something like "fusion is how the sun creates energy"... instead of splitting atoms and creating heat/ radioactive waste through fission, this is where atoms fuse together and generate clean energy.
- that's the hope: clean, cheap fusion will save us all.
- Yay, we're saved you guys!
Link/media: (https://financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/us-scientists-set-to-announce-fusion-energy-breakthrough-2)
❺Headline: Gold is the answer! (to your fogged up glasses.)
- Almost as important as the nuclear fusion story is the breakthrough in eyeglasses: they might have figured out how to keep your glasses from fogging up!
- the secret is a thin layer of gold coating on the lenses.
- they say it shouldn't add much to the cost of your glasses because they only need a really thin layer.
- might take awhile for eyeglass manufacturers to adopt this process.

❹Headline: All South Koreans to become 1 or 2 years younger. It's the law.
- If you asked someone from South Korea how old they were, a lot of South Koreans would have three answers: an international age, a calendar age, and a Korean Age.
- a new law is locking in the international age for all official documents (that's the way most countries keep track of age... starting at zero when you're born and counting up each year after.)
- takes effect in June 2023.
- Many Koreans use their Korean Age which starts at ONE when you're born, and counts up by one every January 1st.
- it's fascinating to learn about, click the link!
❸Headline: Mini Martian Tornado goes after Rover.
- did you know they have dust devils on Mars?
- one happened while the NASA rover had it's microphone switched on and they got about ten seconds of what it sounded like.
- if the people at Dirt Devil vacuums don't come out with a limited edition Mars model they have missed out on an incredible opportunity!!
❷Headline: Grinch hands out free onions to lucky speeders. Everyone gets nightmares.
- This is just one of those holiday season stories that a local media outlet will run... not too wild... except...
- the Grinch costume is the scariest thing you'll see today. Really.
merry ... whatever this is

🏆Headline: Scientists finally found a snake's naughty bits... turns out there are two *PG13
- I don't want to talk about the private area of female snakes... but it's so weird I feel like we have to.
- Trending this week: Researchers are surprised to learn that female snakes have a couple happy happy fun love areas.
- Quote from the artice: 'There’s a lot known about male snake genitalia, but not so much – really anything – known about females,' says Megan Folwell at the University of Adelaide in Australia."

❶Headline: Wild Pregnant Lady-on-a-Plane Story!
- police in Spain had to spring into action the other day after this weirdness at the airport.
- a lady went into labor and her flight from Cassablanca to Istanbul made an emergency landing in Barcelona, Spain.
- when the plane landed in Spain, a bunch of people got off the flight and made a run for it.
- it turns out the lady was faking going into labor and has since been charged by police.
- some of the people who illegally entered Spain have been rounded up, some are still at large.
- Wild!
Link/media: (https://apnews.com/article/europe-middle-east-africa-barcelona-spain-35ed04914b6d577a2361205279ded6cc)

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